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The Seal Mother

Original Title: The Seal Mother


Length: 115 min

Genre: Psychological Drama

Production Country: Poland, Finland, Norway

Writer-Director: Agnieszka Trzos

Co-Writer: Anna Janyska

Starring: Maria Mamona, Karolina Gorczyca, Michalina Łabacz

Producer: Agnieszka Trzos / mamma pictures sp. z.o.o. (PO)

Co-Producers: Magda Zimecka / Studio Produkcyjne Orka (PO)

                            Anna Bławut / Studio Filmowe Rabarbar (PO)

                            Merja Ritola / Greenlit Productions (FI)

                            Mathis Stale Mathisen / Rein Film (NO)

                            Zbigniew Domagalski / Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych

                                                                     i Fabularnych (PO)

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The protagonist, Kaya, is a seal trainer and keeper at the seal centre at Baltic coast. Keeping it secret from the others, he decides to become a single mother by impregnating her with the sperm from an anonymous donor through an IVF procedure. She overcomes financial and ethical concerns, yet it turns out that it is too late – she is barren. Kaya faces a dilemma if she should adopt an egg cell of another woman. She wins the struggle within her – whose child will it be? – and becomes pregnant. Stress causes a miscarriage. When she is about to make yet another try, she stumbles upon yet another, totally unexpected, obstacle: an unfavourable change in the law. Will Kaya find the way to have a baby after all? Seals, with whom Kaya has a powerful bond, accompany her at all key moments of her life.

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